Geotechnical systems

SAS thread bar systems for soil and foundation engineering and harbour construction.


SAS thre­ad bar sys­tems ha­ve be­en suc­cess­ful­ly used for de­ca­des as mi­cro­pi­les, soil nails, rock and soil an­chors, and ten­si­on ties in spe­cial geo­tech­ni­cal works and har­bour con­struc­tion.

The broad pro­duct ran­ge in­clu­des va­rious sys­tems fea­turing a va­rie­ty of steel gra­des such as SAS 500/550, SAS 550/620, SAS 555/700, SAS 670/800, SAS 950/1050 and SAS 838/1035 as well as dif­fe­rent ty­pes of cor­ro­si­on pro­tec­tion sys­tems: Gal­va­ni­zed, stan­dard cor­ro­si­on pro­tec­tion by me­ans of a ce­ment grout en­ve­l­o­pe, or dura­ble dou­ble cor­ro­si­on pro­tec­tion.

SAS DCP coated thread bars are used for permanent geotechnical elements such as anchors, soil nails and micropiles. Micropiles are pressure-grouted piles of a small diameter which transfer the load by friction into the ground.The main areas of application for micropiles are foundation, underpinning, tensile piles to avoid up-lifting and tension as well as compression piles.

Our SAS sys­tems can thus be used for a wi­de ran­ge of ap­p­li­ca­ti­ons and be fle­xi­bly tailo­red to sa­tis­fy in­di­vi­du­al cust­o­m­er re­qui­re­ments and en­vi­ron­men­tal con­di­ti­ons.

Nu­merous na­tio­nal and Eu­ropean ap­pro­vals are pro­of of the re­lia­bi­li­ty and ef­fi­ci­en­cy of our thre­ad bar sys­tems in geo­tech­ni­cal en­gi­nee­ring.

Our cust­o­m­ers ha­ve al­re­a­dy suc­cess­ful­ly in­stal­led our SAS mi­cro­pi­les, soil nails, rock and soil an­chors, and ten­si­on ties in va­rious pro­jects world­wi­de, e.g. the new Gate­way Bridge in Bris­bane, Aus­tra­lia, Du­bai Dry Dock, Al Sa­lam Street in Abu Dha­bi and Ko­ge Har­bour in Den­mark.

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